Modular housing construction in wood - Symposium

April 11, 2022 it was by Architectenweb organized symposium 'Modular housing construction in wood' . In Pakhuis de Zwijger should Jurrian Knijtijzer give a presentation on Finch Buildings and the possibilities for architects with our building system. In recent months, we have optimized our building system to the point where architects outside our team can now start designing with the system.
You can watch the full symposium "Modular Housing in Wood" via the video above. From 23:30 is Jurrian speaking.

Curious about the possibilities? Then contact us and we will tell you everything you need to know.

Jurrian Knijtijzer at Symposium Modular housing construction in wood Architectenweb

The other speakers present: Floor Arons(Arons and Gelauff Architects), Thomas Steigenga (Sustainer), Dennis Grootenboer (RAU), Kyra Galjee (in the Middle Of Our Street (MOOS)), Richelle de Jong (DP6 architecture studio), Jan Noorda (Lister Buildings), Jan Nauta (Studio Nauta), Kinan Fleihan (Tree Builds), Dennis van Lith (FLETTS  ) and Eric Thijssen (Marc Koehler)