De Demo Day van Rockstart trekt altijd veel bekijks van investeerders en andere geïnteresseerden maar uiteraard ook van de pers. In NRG magazine verscheen een mooie bespreking van de Demo Day afgelopen donderdag (30 April 2015). Ook voor Finch Buildings waren er mooie woorden opgetekend uit de mond van Martin Weismann:
Martin Weismann: “To me it really doesn’t matter where they come from. The team is something I will look at. Human personalities play a big role: either you are an entrepreneur or not. Some people are just entrepreneurial, but not entrepreneurs. That’s the first thing I look at. Finch Buildings is an exceptional startup with this regard, headed by a really passionate guy. I have no doubt that he will make it as an entrepreneur. I made some suggestions when working with them, but I’m afraid that in this case I just don’t have a proper understanding of architecture and an investor has to have a feeling of the industry he is investing in.” Finch Buildings, headed by Jurrian Knijtijzer, makes real estate from sustainable wooden blocks. Their model revolves around the idea of building almost any kind of housing out of a combination of same particular modules. Knijtijzer mentioned during his pitch that Finch Buildings is already operating a pipeline of 400+ modules in student housing and their expected revenue by 2016 is €25m.
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